
Date : 29th May 2004
Time : 18.25 hrs

This song stemmed from ideas/feelings which I'd been having for a few months. But they were triggered into song by my close pal, Santosh GC. Thanks da.

On the outside
People seem hard and cold
Like they don't have much besides
An empty ego and a heart of stone
You can do with them as you will

They shut out the pain
Of disappointments
Thinking it satisfies

Crystal articles
Glass figurines
Must be handled with care
Rare artefacts
Costly things today
Must be handled with care
But most of all love
And a human heart
Are fragile
So handle with care

No broken glass
Deformed butterflies
We must handle with care
No shattered spirits
No empty lives
We need to handle with care
Friends and family
All relationships
Must be handled with care
All this stuff and more
Is fragile
So handle with care

On the inside
People are warm and soft
Like they have a lot much more
A caring soul and a heart of love
They would do for you as you will

They bear all the pain
Harsh crookedness
Knowing it's worth it all